
Thank you for visiting the site! This is an independently run, non-profit website focused on educating the public regarding the astounding beauty, biodiversity and overall importance of the many tree species found in the Carolinian Forest region of southern Ontario, Canada. Get out there and explore the forest!

Tree Archives

Welcome to the Tree Archives! Here you will be able to find all of the trees that you want out of all 85 native species! Below is a comprehensive list of all the native species found in southern Ontario. All of the trees are listed twice, first by their common english name, and second by their latin and scientific names.

In order to find a specific tree, you can use the search bar found to the right of this website. Once there is an entry for a specific tree, it will appear as a link on this page and show up in the search. Searching the name of a tree or clicking on the link on the tree name in this archive will take you to the entry which will tell you all about the tree of your choosing. Both this page and the search are constantly being updated, so check back often! Now get to it!

Classification of a Tree: A woody perennial plant which develops a single or group of upright trunks protruding from a central root mass and grows on average of 6 feet or higher during life expectancy.

Highlighted - Blog Entry for that Tree (Click Tree Name for Link) Make sure to click any available photos for a higher resolution copy!

Listed Alphabetically by Species Common English Name (Latin Name)

Alternate-Leaf Dogwood (Cornus alternafolia)
American Basswood (Tilia americana)
American Beech (Fagus grandiflora)
American Chestnut (Castanea dentata)
American Elm (Ulmus americana)
American Larch (Larix Laricina)
American Sycamore (Platanus occidentalis)
American Sweet Crabapple (Malus coronaria)
American Tulip-Tree (Liriodendron tulipifera)
Balsam Fir (Abies balsamea)
Balsam Poplar (Populus balsamifera)
Big-Toothed Aspen (Populus grandidentata)
Bitternut Hickory (Carya cordiformis)
Black Ash (Fraxinus nigra)
Black Birch (Betula lenta)
Black Cherry (Prunus serotina)
Black Maple (Acer nigrum)
Black Oak (Quercus velutina)
Black Spruce (Picea mariana)
Black Tupelo (Nyssa sylvatica)
Black Walnut (Juglans nigra)
Black Willow (Salix nigra)
Blue Ash (Fraxinus quadrangulata)
Bur Oak (Quercus macrocarpa)
Butternut (Juglans cinerea)
Chestnut Oak (Quercus prinus)
Chinquapin Oak (Quercus muehlenbergii)
Cockspur Hawthorn (Crataegus crus-galli)
Common Hackberry (Celtis occidentalis)
Cucumber Magnolia (Magnolia acuminata)
Dotted Hawthorn (Crataegus punctata)
Downy Hawthorn (Crataegus mollis)
Downy Serviceberry (Amelanchier arborea)
Eastern Cottonwood (Populus deltoids)
Eastern Hemlock (Tsuga canadensis)
Eastern Hop-Hornbeam (Ostrya virginiana)
Eastern Redbud (Cercis canadensis)
Eastern Red Juniper (Juniperus virginiana)
Eastern White Cedar (Thuja occidentalis)
Eastern White Pine (Pinus strobus)
Fanleaf Hawthorn (Crataegus flabellata)
Fireberry Hawthorn (Crataegus chrysocarpa)
Fleshy Hawthorn (Crataegus succulenta)
Flowering Dogwood (Cornus florida)
Frosted Hawthorn (Crataegus pruinosa)
Hills Oak (Quercus ellipsoidalis)
Honey Locust (Gleditsia triacanthos)
Jack Pine (Pinus banksiana)
Kentucky Coffee-Tree (Gymnocladus diocus)
Manitoba Maple (Acer negundo)
Mockernut Hickory (Carya tomentosa)
Musclewood (Carpinus caroliniana)
Northern Red Oak (Quercus rubra)
Ohio Buckeye (Aesculus glabra)
Pawpaw (Asimina triloba)
Peach-Leaf Willow (Salix amygdaloides)
Pear Hawthorn (Crataegus calpodendron)
Pignut Hickory (Carya glabra)
Pin Cherry (Prunus pennsylvanica)
Pin Oak (Quercus palustris)
Pumpkin Ash (Fraxinus profunda)
Quebec Hawthorn (Crataegus submollis)
Red Ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica)
Red Hickory (Carya ovalis)
Red Maple (Acer rubrum)
Red Mulberry (Morus rubra)
Red Pine (Pinus resinosa)
Rock Elm (Ulmus thomasii)
Scarlet Hawthorn (Crataegus pedicellata)
Shagbark Hickory (Carya ovata)
Shellbark Hickory (Carya laciniosa)
Shumard Oak (Quercus shumardii)
Silver Maple (Acer saccharinum)
Slippery Elm (Ulmus rubra)
Smooth Serviceberry (Amelanchier laevis)
Striped Maple (Acer pennsylvanica)
Sugar Maple (Acer saccharum)
Swamp Cottonwood (Populus heterophyllia)
Swamp White Oak (Quercus bicolor)
Trembling Aspen (Populus tremuloides)
White Ash (Fraxinus americana)
White Birch (Betula papyrifera)
White Oak (Quercus alba)
White Sassafras (Sassafras albidum)
White Spruce (Picea glauca)
Yellow Birch (Betula alleghaniensis)

Listed Alphabetically by Species Scientific Name (English Name)

Abies balsamea (Balsam Fir)
Acer negundo (Manitoba Maple)
Acer nigrum (Black Maple)
Acer pennsylvanica (Striped Maple)
Acer rubrum (Red Maple)
Acer saccharinum (Silver Maple)
Acer saccharum (Sugar Maple)
Aesculus glabra (Ohio Buckeye)
Amelanchier arborea (Downy Serviceberry)
Amelanchier laevis (Smooth Serviceberry)
Asimina triloba (Pawpaw)
Betula alleghaniensis (Yellow Birch)
Betula lenta (Black Birch)
Betula papyrifera (White Birch)
Carpinus caroliniana (Musclewood)
Carya cordiformis (Bitternut Hickory)
Carya glabra (Pignut Hickory)
Carya laciniosa (Shellbark Hickory)
Carya ovalis (Red Hickory)
Carya ovata (Shagbark Hickory)
Carya tomentosa (Mockernut Hickory)
Castanea dentata (American Chestnut)
Celtis occidentalis (Common Hackberry)
Cercis Canadensis (Eastern Redbud)
Cornus alternafolia (Alternate-Leaf Dogwood)
Cornus florida (Flowering Dogwood)
Crataegus calpodendron (Pear Hawthorn)
Crataegus chrysocarpa (Fireberry Hawthorn)
Crataegus crus-galli (Cockspur Hawthorn)
Crataegus flabellata (Fanleaf Hawthorn)
Crataegus mollis (Downy Hawthorn)
Crataegus pedicellata (Scarlet Hawthorn)
Crataegus pruinosa (Frosted Hawthorn)
Crataegus punctata (Dotted Hawthorn)
Crataegus submollis (Quebec Hawthorn)
Crataegus succulenta (Fleshy Hawthorn)
Fagus grandiflora (American Beech)
Fraxinus americana (White Ash)
Fraxinus nigra (Black Ash)
Fraxinus pennsylvanica (Red Ash)
Fraxinus profunda (Pumpkin Ash)
Fraxinus quadrangulata (Blue Ash)
Gleditsia triacanthos (Honey Locust)
Gymnocladus diocus (Kentucky Coffee-Tree)
Juglans cinerea (Butternut)
Juglans nigra (Black Walnut)
Juniperus virginiana (Eastern Red Juniper)
Larix Laricina (American Larch)
Liriodendron tulipifera (American Tulip-Tree)
Magnolia acuminate (Cucumber Magnolia)
Malus coronaria (American Sweet Crabapple)
Morus rubra (Red Mulberry)
Nyssa sylvatica (Black Tupelo)
Ostrya virginiana (Eastern Hop-Hornbeam)
Platanus occidentalis (American Sycamore)
Picea glauca (White Spruce)
Picea mariana (Black Spruce)
Pinus banksiana (Jack Pine)
Pinus resinosa (Red Pine)
Pinus strobus (Eastern White Pine)
Prunus pennsylvanica (Pin Cherry)
Prunus serotina (Black Cherry)
Populus balsamifera (Balsam Poplar)
Populus deltoids (Eastern Cottonwood)
Populus grandidentata (Big-Tooth Aspen)
Populus heterophyllia (Swamp Cottonwood)
Populus tremuloides (Trembling Aspen)
Quercus alba (White Oak)
Quercus bicolor (Swamp White Oak)
Quercus ellipsoidalis (Hills Oak)
Quercus macrocarpa (Bur Oak)
Quercus muehlenbergii (Chinquapin Oak)
Quercus palustris (Pin Oak)
Quercus prinus (Chestnut Oak)
Quercus rubra (Northern Red Oak)
Quercus shumardii (Shumard Oak)
Quercus velutina (Black Oak)
Salix amygdaloides (Peach-Leaf Willow)
Salix nigra (Black Willow)
Sassafras albidum (White Sassafras)
Tilia americana (American Basswood)
Thuja occidentalis (Eastern White Cedar)
Tsuga canadensis (Eastern Hemlock)
Ulmus americana (American Elm)
Ulmus rubra (Slippery Elm)
Ulmus thomasii (Rock Elm)

Additional Species:
Beaked Willow (Salix bebbiana)
Pussy Willow (Salix discolor)
Sandbar Willow (Salix exigua)