
Online Shop

Welcome to the Online shop! Here, you will be able to browse the many different edible and medicinal plants that I have for sale for public distribution. Many of the medicinal properties have never been tested under scientific conditions and are therefore not officially recognized, and are based on aboriginal and historical literature from various reliable sources that back up these claims. The plants were all harvested using moderated, sustainable practices, and were not treated with any pesticides or insecticides. You can be assured that these products are organic and wild harvested with care and respect from the plants in which they came!

With your purchase, 50% of the revenue will be collected and donated to different nature conservancy’s and other organizations that are dedicated to helping to preserve our local environment. These organizations include Ontario Nature and Carolinian Canada (see the list of links on the right side of this page for more information on some of the projects performed by these groups!) If you have any questions about the products or are interested in purchasing any of the plants listed below, please send an e-mail confirmation (please visit here for contact information!) and I thank you in advance for supporting my own endeavours as well as those of countless environmental organizations in Ontario!

Red Raspberry Leaf (Rubus strigosus)

The young, tender spring leaves of this well known native perennial have long been used to make a deep, earthy flavoured tea with a sweet and fruity aroma that abounds with medicinal properties. Native Americans used Red Raspberry leaf tea as one of their staple teas, and the early European Settlers commonly used this tea more for it's medicinal properties.

Red Raspberry leaf tea is extremely high in Vitamins E, A and C, and contains large doses of minerals, including Potassiun, Phosphorus and even Calcium. It has also been reported to help treat the following ailments:
- nasal congestion
- sour throats
- intestinal inflammation
- indigestion
- stomach upset
- menstrual discomfort

This product is AVAILABLE! 10 teaspoons = 5$ (10 teaspoons = 10 cups of tea) ORDER NOW!

Preparation: place one teaspoon of dried leaves into a cup, and pour one cup of boiling water over them. Let steep for 5 minutes at least to allow the nutrients and flavour to be absorbed into the water. Tea is shipped already dried and ready for use. Store tea in an airtight container in a cool, dry location.